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A good employee is an appreciated a satisfied an effective employee

WinWin for employees

WinWinBalance® is an employee recognition system that ensures that everyone is treated equally based on clear and fair rules. It improves the quality of manager- employee relations, thereby minimizing conflicts. Thanks to WinWinBalance®, you’ll enjoy your workplace even more, and your engagement and initiative will certainly be noticed.

HRM Produkcja

Let yourself be recognized

The primary goal of WinWinBalance is to reward employees’ positive behavior and distinguish those workers who are the best-performing. The system lets you measure the contributions that individuals make to team results and suggests what sort of recognition would be appropriate to their level of engagement and effectiveness.

Equal opportunities for all

WinWinBalance lets one common standard of expected employee behavior be introduced across your entire organization. No matter which managers you work with – whether they’re easygoing or strict – the WinWin principles help ensure that they treat all employees equally.

Continuous feedback

WinWinBalance will provide you with ongoing feedback. This is critical, because today, one of the fundamental rights of employees that enables their professional development is the ability to know what they’re good at and what they can change, in order to improve themselves!

Fair and transparent rules

Rules are defined on the basis of which activities benefit an organization and which harm it, as a “community of employees”. The rules for recognition, bonuses, and promotions are public, so every employee can become familiar with them and consult them at any time.

Facts instead of opinions

In the WinWinBalance system, managers only record facts: situations that a supervisor witnessed or has confirmed to have taken place. Every point awarded to a worker must have a brief comment describing the specific situation that was the basis for such recognition.

Your results work for you!

WinWinBalance creates a long-term history of an employee’s work, which emphasizes the individual’s strengths and indicates paths for further development. On this basis, personnel decisions regarding promotions, transfers, or bonuses can be made in a solid and straightforward manner.

Motivating benefits

WinWinBalance offers the possibility of integration with popular benefit systems, including Sodexo’s rewards catalog. Thanks to this, you can exchange your engagement points for things like housewares, cinema tickets, gift cards, or Sodexo vouchers, which you can use to make purchases in countless stores.

Thanks WinWinBalance your employer can better observe your engagement and support you in your further development.

Be WinWin!

Suggest to your manager that he or she test out WinWinBalance for 30 days free of charge