Przejrzystość Wynagrodzeń w Twojej Firmie

Zapisz się na szkolenie z Dyrektywy UE 2023/970​

About us

We’re a team of experts whose many years of experience have taught us how important feedback is for building commitment and effectively motivating employees.

We decided to create a tool that boosts employees’ productivity by improving their work culture, while simultaneously recognizing the most engaged and effective employees, based on measurable indicators.

inicjatywy pracownicze dla producji

The WinWin vision

What kind of world would we like to see? One with fair employment relationships based on individual performance and appropriate participation in profits.

The WinWin mission

We implement mechanisms for treating each employee as an individual person who’s collaborating with his or her employer in the pursuit of mutual profit: it’s the “win-win” principle.

WinWin values

A focus on results

Job satisfaction



Our team

Kamil Dudek

Head of IT

Marek Tarnowski

Founder & Procurator

Michał Michalski

Consultant / Client Account Manager

Izabela Sadowska-Nowak

Director of Administration

Dorota Mejri

Expert / Trainer

Diana Lapshynska

IT Support / Helpdesk

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